The Master Mariner

for maritime leaders

IMO publications carriage requirements

This page summarises, in brief, the carriage requirements of statutory documents and publications on board ships.

IMO carriage requirements for ship's statutory documents

What are the IMO carriage requirements for statutory documents and publications on board ships?

Failure to hold either of the following would present a risk of deficiency during a port state inspection:

  1. International Code of Signals. SOLAS V/21.1 requires that all ships carry this volume to provide a system of communication in distress situations, particularly when language difficulties could arise.
  2. International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual, Volume III (IAMSAR III) is mandated by SOLAS V/21.2 to be carried on aircraft and ships to help with search and rescue or on-scene coordinator functions.
  3. Nautical Charts & Publications are required to be kept aboard by SOLAS V/19.2.1 and V/27. These items shall cover the entire route and be corrected to allow the Master to have in his possession the latest hydrographical data to execute his duties and to safely hasten the voyage.
  4. Publications required by the ISM Code comprise those required by the vessel’s Safety Management System. It is via the requirements of the SMS, that the contents of a technical library become mandatory.
  5. IMO instruments such as SOLAS, MARPOL, LL, Colregs and STCW Conventions cover many of the operational imperatives of the vessel such as safe navigation, watchkeeping and collision avoidance, safety management of equipment, cargo handling, marine pollution including oil spill response. And while it is not an express requirement to hold copies of these instruments on board the vessel, it may be necessary to do so to improve crew knowledge of their contents and to ensure that compliance with their provisions is achieved.
  6. International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code): is required on board all ships carrying dangerous goods in packaged form.
  7. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code): is required to be carried by all chemical tankers. The IBC Code provides an international standard for safe sea carriage of dangerous and noxious liquid chemicals in bulk.
  8. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code): is required to be carried by all gas carriers. This code provides an international standard for the safe transport by sea of bulk liquefied gases, by stipulating the design and construction standards of ships and the equipment they should carry to minimise the risk to the ship, its crew and the environment.


What statutory documents are required under SOLAS to be carried on board ships?

In addition to the above IMO carriage requirements for statutory ship's documents and publications, a list of further documents must be carried to ensure that sufficient records are maintained on board. This allows the maintenance of conditions to be verified even after surveys.

The documents are:

SOLAS II-1 carriage requirements:

  • Coating Technical File: SOLAS II-1/3.2 requires that all vessels, as well as double-skin spaces of bulk carriers over 150 metres, carry a file containing the technical specifications of coating applied in dedicated seawater ballast tanks.
  • As-Built Construction Drawings: SOLAS II-1/3.7 requires that all vessels built after 1st January 2007 keep the as-built construction drawings and plans of subsequent structural alterations, both aboard and ashore.
  • Emergency Towing Booklet: SOLAS II-1/3-4.2 requires that all cargo vessels over 500gt have procedures on board to assist with emergency towing operations.
  • Ship Construction File: SOLAS II-1/3-10 requires that information specific to the construction of the vessel be kept on board for both oil tankers and bulk carriers over 150 metres.
  • Noise Survey Report: Each vessel is required under SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-12, to hold a noise survey report under the IMO Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships.

SOLAS II-2 carriage requirements:

  • Intact Stability Booklet: both SOLAS II-1/15 and LL/10 require that and all cargo ships greater than 24 metres in length and all passenger vessels, regardless of size, shall be inclined and their stability characteristics determined. The results of this test should be compiled into a stability booklet, which should be provided to the Master.
  • Damage Control Plans and Booklet: SOLAS II-1/19 requires that plans showing watertight boundaries, openings and means of closure for each deck shall be permanently exhibited. Booklets containing summaries of these plans must be available in booklet form for the ship's officers.
  • Fire Safety Training Manual: SOLAS II-2/15.2.3 requires that a training manual containing instructions and information on fire safety measures on board ships be kept available for the crew.
  • Fire Control Plan: SOLAS II-2/15.2.4 requires that general arrangement plans shall be permanently exhibited for the guidance of the ship’s officers. The plan should include fire sections, the location of fixed and portable fire fighting systems, fire control stations and details of fire detection systems on board the vessel.
  • Training and Drills Record: SOLAS II-2/ requires that on board drills and training shall be conducted and recorded.
  • Fire Safety Operational Booklet: SOLAS II-2/16.2 requires that an operational booklet containing the information and instructions for the safe operation of the vessel and its equipment in relation to fire safety be kept on board.
  • Maintenance Plans: SOLAS II-2/14.2.2 requires that plans for the maintenance of firefighting equipment be kept aboard.
  • Manoeuvering Booklet: SOLAS II-1/28 requires that manoeuvring data, including stop times, ship headings and distances recorded in trials, shall be available on board.

SOLAS III carriage requirements:

  • Master’s Decision Support System: SOLAS III/29 requires that all passenger ships shall have aboard a decision support system to assist the Master in managing emergency situations.
  • SOLAS Manual: SOLAS III/35 requires that a manual containing instructions and information on life-saving appliances and methods of survival shall be kept on board and made freely accessible by the crew.

SOLAS IV carriage requirements:

  • GMDSS Logbook: SOLAS IV/17 requires all cargo vessels above 300gt and all passenger vessels to maintain a record of radio transmissions and reception of radio messages.

SOLAS V carriage requirements:

  • Standard Compass Deviation Curve: SOLAS V/ requires that all cargo vessels above 150gt and all passenger ships hold a current table and curve of deviations.
  • LRIT Conformance Test Report: SOLAS V/19-1 requires that vessels keep a test report stating the conformance of the LRIT equipment on board.

SOLAS VI carriage requirements:

  • Cargo Information: SOLAS VI/2 and XII/10 require that the shipper provides to the Master prior to loading and information on the cargo. For bulk carriers, such information shall include cargo density.
  • Cargo Securing Manual is required by SOLAS VI/5.6 and VII/5 on vessels carrying cargo other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes. The purpose of the manual is to ensure that cargo and cargo transport units are safely loaded, stowed and secured throughout the voyage.

SOLAS VII carriage requirements:

  • Dangerous Goods Manifest/Stowage Plan: SOLAS VII/4.5 and 7-2 and MARPOL III/ require that ships carrying dangerous goods in packaged form carry a manifest listing the dangerous goods on board.

SOLAS XI-2 carriage requirements:

  • Continuous Synopsis Records: SOLAS XI-1/5 requires that all vessels keep a CSR providing a record of the history of the ship on board.
  • Enhanced Survey Report File is required by SOLAS XI-1/2 for bulk carriers and oil tankers. This file ensures that evidence is retained on board from the Enhanced Survey Programme.
  • Ship Structure Access Manual must be carried on board oil tankers over 500gt and bulk carriers over 20,000gt, constructed on or after 1st January 2006. This sets out the means of access to, from and within internal spaces to allow effective surveys to be performed.

SOLAS XI-2 carriage requirements:

  • Ship Security Plan and security-related records: SOLAS XI-2/9 and ISPS Code A/9 and 10 require that a security plan, approved by the administration, allowing for three security levels, together with a record of security-related events be maintained on board.

SOLAS XII carriage requirements:

  • Bulk Carrier Booklet SOLAS VI/7.2 states that this must be provided on board and endorsed by the administration to indicate that it complies with XII/4, 5, 6 and 7. This booklet may be combined with the ship's Intact Stability Booklet.
  • Condition Assessment Scheme Statement of Compliance must be issued to oil tankers by their administrations to document their compliance with the requirements of the Condition Assessment Scheme. The Final Report and Review Record must be kept on board, in addition to the Statement of Compliance.

For more information, please see the relevant IMO instrument concerning shipboard publications on board ships: IMO requirements on carriage of publications on board ships MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.2 (1 June 2006).

IMO publication carriage requirements



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